I have a question regarding a recent experience I had. I saw a creature that was gray in color and had a robe similar to a monks. It was speaking to me and asking me to listen to it. I pinched myself because nothing like this had ever happened to me. I am a scientist and a skeptic. This experience happened in Southern California the creature seemed to be around three feet tall and had a glowing light around it. It had very long fingers and when they touched me I blacked out. It looked simliar to the alien Greys reported in the media. At the time it happened I had not even heard or seen anything about the alien Greys. When I saw a book called 'Communion', I almost fainted.
Please e-mail any info that you might have on my description. The creature I saw had some similarities to the aliens in 'Communion' yet there were differences. Why the robe? The eyes were a bit different in size and there was a silvery light behind it.
Many of us have seen the hooded appariation that you describe. In all cases the observer was greatly affected by the experience. Hundreds of thousands of normal educated people have seen this hooded being. What is it? Why the robe? No one knows. But it has life-changing effects on those who have seen it.
I would recommend you read "The Omega Project" by Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. This book is a definitive study of the commonalities between Near Death Experiences and the visitor phenomena. A careful reading should pique your scientific curiousity, and hopefully help you better understand what seems to be going on. Although all of this is outside our consensus reality, it is nonetheless all too real.
Remember, this is not something we can choose to believe in or not. It is something that happens to you whether you want it to or not.
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